Unicorns Unite Returns for Second Year to Lutz, Florida
By Scott Hopkins on October 11, 2019
Unicorns Unite Returns for Second Year to Lutz, Florida
Last year, a new event sprung up on Glory Road in Lutz, Florida. The force was strong with this group, and the event was a pure delight. We are excited to discover that Unicorns Unite will be back for its second time November 8-10. We will have more information soon. In the meantime, here is information from the event page:
Unicorns Unite 2019 is a reunion for Artists by Artists to raise awareness and funds for our future Eco-village and Intentional Community. This event will focus on intentional living and celebrating Life through Art, Music and Dance. We will enjoy three days and nights of live music from some of the best bands from the family, workshops, and play shops for all ages, as well as camping on sacred family land.
Photo by Victoria Tala
This event will provide collaborative community meals as well as Potluck meals from YOU the community. Please remember to bring your own Mugs, Cups, Plates and Utensils. There will be a separate vegan kitchen as well for more options!
There are lots of ways to volunteer and get involved. This is a community gathering, and we encourage everyone to bring your art, hobbies, crafts and skills as well as a helpful hand.
Our suggested donation is $50, which includes all the festivities, camping, and food. We are also offering a $40 donation, with a $10 Food plate option or Food Option if you bring food to share. If you sign up to volunteer, It Is a five-hour shift or four hours with the $10 food option. We want to make sure that everyone can be included.If you would like to volunteer, please visit the Get Involved page and fill out the info. The earlier the better!
shoeless soul – photo by Adam Danger Smith
We encourage car pooling, for there is limited parking. NO RVs or CAMPERS! This is a Pack-in and Pack-out event: You are responsible for your own trash, so please make sure it leaves with you. Please check out our event rules located on the home page. We have limited space, so donate and get your invitation today!
All donations go to the Beach House of Zen for our intentional community project.
K2theC and Chris Barbosa – photo by Adam Danger Smith
The excellent musical lineup includes: Este’s Church of Love, Buffalo Strange,Juanjamon Band, Custard Pie, One Love Rising, shoeless soul, Flow Sisters, Tire Fire, Tropico Blvd, Somatic, Chris Sgamatto, Joy Wagon,Intergalactic Vibe Tribe, Unity Rising, Luminous Balloon, Outlaw Fancy, Stephanie D’angelo,K2theC, Uprooted, After Midnight,Okey McComis, Laura Shepard,Two Trains,Mother Tongue, and more!!