Jimmy Rector IS the Accepted Perspective!
Interestingly, we recently posted two album reviews, one for the new release on September 28 by the Melody Trucks Band and the other for the new Ajeva album October 4. While we properly credited Accepted Perspective – Design by Jimmy Rector for the design of the cover for Trucks’ Walking in Gratitude, we omitted the fact that he also created the Ajeva cover — and played percussion on some of the tracks (an error we have repaired). This photo by Frank Allen Sr. shows Rector receiving an award during the album release ceremony at 1904 Music Hall in Jacksonville with Melody Trucks, who also called him on stage twice during the night to perform with the band! And Rector played the entire set with Ajeva at the album release at Dunedin Brewery OktoBEERfest last night.

Chances are you have seen Rector playing percussion at a Florida concert or festival, or maybe one in Georgia, or Missouri, or… well, all over. He currently performs with The Difference, gearing up for their Suwanee Hulaween debut, and was a member of Come Back Alice. Even more than likely you’ve seen him sitting in with hundreds of bands over the years. They don’t call him Jimmy Jams for nothin’! He has been a festival promoter and worked with artist management as well.

His affable personality and smile are award-winning, and so is his art. Here is just a taste of some of the outstanding poster art Rector has created. These first two photos were taken by Matt Hillman at Skipper’s Smokehouse on Rector’s birthday two years ago; many of us arrived early and decorated the area with dozens of his posters, much to his great surprise and delight!
