There is NO Doubt That Barb Carbon IS ‘The Fighter’!
If you thought maybe you felt hurricane-force winds blowing through Atlanta last Friday (September 20), we have good news. It was NOT a hurricane. It WAS the album release party for The Fighter by superb singer-songwriter Barb Moose Carbon. Carbon is co-conspirator in The Ain’t Sisters, a dynamic indie rock quartet, but this was her debut solo release, and the house — The Vista Room ATL in North Decatur — was rockin’!

There were numerous guests involved in the celebration, beginning with Carbon’s Ain’t Sisters bandmates Arrie Bozeman (guitar, vocals), Justin Boudreau (bass), and John Cowin (drums). Also in the house were Jaron Pearlman, Jonny Daly, Ralph Roddenbery, and Adam Poulin, among others.

We were unable to attend but are blessed that photographer Kate Moore (KateMooreMedia) was there to capture all of the action, and she has kindly allowed us to share some great shots of the night.

Do yourself a favor: check out Carbon’s The Fighter, The Ain’t Sisters’ Marrow, and their live performances, because that is where they truly shine!