Christmas in June: Roo Rides Make The Best Gifts!
As you may have heard, Bonnaroo tickets are officially shipping! This means in just a few short days (35 days, 22 hours, and 46 minutes as I’m writing this, but who is counting?), we will be back home on the farm! Much like Christmas, many of the Roo faithful have already started making their packing lists and checking them twice, and all across the country little Bonnaroo-piles are forming in unused corners of houses in place of decorated trees. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year.
Hurry, hurry! The Farm is calling!
Come the second full week of June, those same people will pack their sleighs, er, VW Buses full and head out for the magical land that is Bonnaroo. With excitement and cheer, the campgrounds are entered and decorated with glee for all the world to see. Many a cold one is cracked open, and cheeks redden as the sun beats down.
What’s this? Something I missed!?
Come Friday morning, as bleary eyes open from the previous night’s shenanigans, patrons open their coolers in search of hangover-relieving, hair-of-the-dog beverages, only to find that the previous two days have left their reserves exceptionally low! This simply will not do! But, woe, the prices at the onsite stores are positively scroogely! What’s a ‘Roovian to do!
Turn that lump of coal into a car to roll!
So, you now have to make a decision. On the one hand, you could choose to begin extreme rationing and hope to eek out enough magic juice to keep your buzz rolling until Sunday. Bonnaroo, however, is a time of celebration, and this simply will not do. The other option, however, is leaving the festival grounds and going into town for a refill. While this is an option, it requires a level of sobriety and focus that is less than cohesive with the Bonnaroo season! The good news is now there is an answer to this problem: Roo Rides! Simply give Jason and his team of elves a call, and for $5 and a quick hike to the nearest exit they will pick you up and get you to the nearest spot in Manchester with the supplies you’ll need for your holiday celebration!
Be warned, however, depending on your campsite proximity to the exit, you may want a wagon for heavier supply runs, as they can currently only drop off at the exit. He blames The Grinch for this limitation.
Seasons come, seasons go.
Alas, all good things must come to an end. If you find your sleigh no longer operable at the end of your Roo-year, or you are one of the brave souls who came sans car, Jason and the crew can also help. They offer rides to and from the Nashville and Chattanooga airports/bus stations at prices that vary but are generally cheaper than a cab/Uber/Lyft options. Finally, the holiday is over until next year, and the camping supplies must be packed away much like decorations, until next year, or put back in that same corner you got it out of (you know who you are).