Exit 111 Swings Hard on Inaugural Lineup
Exit 111, the newest camping festival in the Southeast, will be kicking off this fall. The fest, sharing grounds with Tennessee’s famous Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, is going in full tilt on its first ever lineup. With names like Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, and Lynyrd Skynyrd being just the tip of a big name iceberg, the rock-centric festival is slated to come out of the gates with a big win on ticket sales. Hopefully by focusing in on the rock demographic rather than trying to slip into the overcrowded multi-genre festival circuit, Exit 111 can avoid the fate that has befallen so many festivals in the past year. What we are of course alluding to is the festival graveyard, which seems to be adding new residents monthly.

Coming Soon!
Exit 111 is coming to Great Stage Park in Manchester, TN on October 11-13, with GA, VIP, and Platinum level camping experiences available Pre-sale tickets are up now, with general onsite starting 4/25 at noon Eastern time!