Weezer Keep Daydreaming on ‘Pacific Daydream’
I’d rather stay at home than hit the beach after listening to Weezer’s Pacific Daydream.
This is really saying something, too. I’m a defender of River Cuomo and Co.’s later output. The previous two albums (In the End Everything Will Be Alright and Weezer (The White Album)) are both solid albums (with the former being better than the latter.)
In fact, I would argue that all the Weezer albums have songs worth keeping (yes, even Raditude.) Pacific Daydream, though, comes dangerously close to not fulfilling that criterion.
The lack of great songs is a problem, but the biggest detriment to this record is the production. This record sounds more like the clubby-type pop music you hear on the radio (ton of reverb.) This is a result of Cuomo bringing outside songwriters to contribute (1: many of which are pop song writers, and 2: gives this record more in common with, *sigh*, Raditude.)
I’m happy that Cuomo is experimenting (11 albums in you should expect some difference), but unfortunately the production is not conducive to their sound. I get the choice, too; Cuomo has always been a poppy songwriter, but the worst offender on this record is “Get Right.” It never goes into full-blown pop (guitar, drums, bass, and keyboard make the sounds), but it sure as heck tries to buy it a drink and flirt with it.
This makes a batch of underwhelming songs stick out more. Take “Beach Boys” for instance, a song about the legendary group. If you were to forget the words Beach and Boys, there would be no connection to them at all. Instead the song just drones.
Also, the theme of the young falling in love is beginning to wear thin. The opening “Mexican Fender” hits all the beats that a great Weezer song does (catchy riff and chorus), but it just sounds thin.
The stars do align for “Sweet Mary,” easily the best song here. It has a lovely melody to carry the song and creative dynamics (sweet song in grinding guitars in the bridge) to make it a classic Weezer song.
Normally I would be angrier at this effort, but this does come right off the heels of a pretty good album (The White Album was released in 2016). Sometimes experimentation doesn’t pay off. Better luck next time, Rivers.
Rating: 2 ½ Pacific Oceans out of 5
Suggested Tracks: “Sweet Mary” “Mexican Fender” and “Weekend Woman”… I guess.
You can tell Daniel Downing that his opinion sucks and that he is stupid on twitter @DeathByZamboni and Instagram @DeathByZamboni_us